Why Are Takis Banned in Canada? 6 Reasons to Know
Takis is the newest sensation globally, with thousands of people rushing to eat this hot and spicy snack.
They’re enjoyable for those who enjoy spicy foods, but they have been banned from Canada due to their high levels of capsaicin. This capsaicin is what gives Takis their unique taste and consistency.
What Are Takis?
The most common form of Takis is the hard, crunchy corn shell stuffed with a gooey fruit filling made of tamarind and other flavors, although it can come in other variations. It’s the tamarind inside the Takis that makes them so special.
The capsaicin gives the Takis their spiciness, which usually comes out after about 20 minutes of eating them. Sometimes, this isn’t just a matter of taste or texture.
Reasons Why Takis Are Banned In Canada
High levels of capsaicin
Takis are banned in Canada because of the capsaicin inside them. Capsaicin is the chemical that makes chili peppers spicy, and Takis uses natural capsaicin to make the snack spicy.
However, when their level of capsaicin is extremely high, it can be potentially dangerous to Canadians. Many people enjoy eating Takis, but many drugs are also addictive. It means that sometimes, people who eat Takis can become addicted to them.
High sodium levels
Although Takis is salty and spicy, sodium levels can damage the body. A high amount of sodium in a person’s diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Because of this, Takis aren’t often sold or produced in Canada.
Potentially dangerous for people with high blood pressure and heart disease
For those who already have high blood pressure or heart disease, eating Takis can cause many health problems. This is due to the high amounts of salt and capsaicin that they contain.
The amount of capsaicin in a single Taki can be as much as 10mg, so people with high blood pressure or heart disease shouldn’t eat Takis.
It can lead to addictive behavior on the part of the consumer
Eating Takis is fun, but it can also lead to people wanting more than they should. Some people may consume higher quantities than they should because they love them so much. Because of this, the government has banned their importation into Canada or sale within the country.
It can cause stomach aches and diarrhea
Takis are often hard, almost like a rock, making it hard for people to chew them. Because of this, many people experience diarrhea and stomach aches after eating Takis. Because of this, people may want to avoid eating Takis, especially those with a stomach ulcer or condition.
Can cause chest pain and breathing difficulties
The high amounts of capsaicin in a single Taki can create problems within the body. People with heart conditions should avoid eating Takis because they can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and even heart attacks. On the other hand, Takis are good for those who enjoy spicy foods, have high energy, and exercise regularly.
Positive Impacts Of Banning Takis In Canada
There are many positive attributes of banning Takis in Canada.
The government has prevented a large number of people from becoming addicted to these delicious and unique treats while at the same time contributing to the diet and lifestyle of Canadians.
Takis are banned because they contain high levels of capsaicin. Capsaicin is the ingredient that makes chili peppers spicy. However, eating too much capsaicin can be potentially dangerous for someone who does not have a healthy level of the digestive system and heart function in their body.
The high levels of capsaicin in Takis have been shown to cause diarrhea, stomach aches, and chest pains in some people. It shows that they are not healthy for everyone, making it better than being banned from restaurants and stores in Canada.
Banning Takis in Canada has led to more Canadian citizens eating healthier foods with other flavors. Instead of eating Takis, those who enjoy spicy foods may want to try a wide variety of other spices and seasonings that can produce the same taste as Takis but do not contain harmful ingredients.
Negative Impacts Of Banning Takis in Canada
There are also some negative impacts of banning Takis in Canada.
One of the most obvious negative impacts of banning Takis is that it impacts the economy. They are widely consumed due to their addictive and cheap nature. Many people who didn’t eat Takis before would like it now. There would be a higher demand for them, leading to a surge in prices and lower sales than usual.
The ban on Takis also eliminates some unique dishes from Canadian cuisine. Although some people may be happy that Takis are banned in Canada, there could be negative impacts on those who enjoy eating them.
Another negative impact is that some people may want to eat so much now that they will go and eat them from somewhere other than the country where they are banned. It can lead to foods with high levels of capsaicin being imported into Canada from other areas in the world where they are legal to buy and sell.
Takis are banned in Canada because they contain a high amount of capsaicin. Capsaicin is the ingredient that makes chili peppers spicy, and when the level of capsaicin in Takis is extremely high, it can be potentially dangerous to Canadians. Many people enjoy eating Takis, but many drugs are also addictive. It means that some people who eat Takis become addicted to them.
Although Takis are banned in Canada, many people still enjoy eating these unique treats. They use natural capsaicin to make the snack spicy, which means that sometimes, people who eat them can become addicted to them.
However, Takis also contain high salt levels and other ingredients that can harm a person’s health. The Canadian government has banned them from being sold or imported into the country.