Can a Minor rent a Hotel Room in Canada

What’s the Check-In Age? Uncovering the Rules for Booking a Hotel in Canada

Knowing the laws and regulations is essential when booking a hotel room in Canada. After all, you don’t want to be turned away at the door because you don’t meet the age requirements.  In this blog post, we’ll cover what you need to know about booking a hotel room in Canada, including the legal age…

drinking age in toronto

What Is the Legal Drinking Age in Toronto? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Everyone in Toronto is always talking about drinking. The city’s vibrant nightlife is always an exciting conversation topic, whether at an outdoor patio, a cozy pub, or a bustling club. But while the conversation may be lively, a severe issue lurks in the background: what’s the legal drinking age in Toronto? It’s an important question,…

Ship Car From Canada To US

Ship Car From Canada To US: 5 Important Things to Do

Shipping a car across international borders, regardless of destination, is often daunting. Often, the process is tied to strict regulations requiring experts’ guidance. Despite the potential challenges, sometimes shipping the car is inevitable. You must follow procedures and complete the necessary paperwork to ship a car from Canada to the U.S. The vital documents required…